Congratulations !!!
Donna Lee Reed

Named Top 5
"Remarkable Women"
in the Country!!! And Received an Official Star from Hollywood CA

Imagine having the business, organization, or life of your dreams. Now you can actually dream it and experience it with a coach! One-on-One, Group, or Team Coaching and the most popular coaching program “Coach to Mentor” contact Donna today!

Contact Donna to speak at your event, foster care awareness, at your church, or women’s event!
- Motivate Your Audience
- Inspire Your Group
- Educate Your Team
- Impact Many Lives
- Leave them with a WOW
- Engage to take Action

Effectively Assisting Ministries in their Productivity and Growth! Creating, Developing, and Implementing a Strategic Growth & Health Plan for your church in the world of getting and staying healthy.
Join 45 Minutes of Inspiration & Motivation with Pastor Reed via Zoom. Click Below
Vision Board Experience/Parties - Virtual or In Person
Vision is the ability to see…. when you visualize your future desires and goals and then create a visual map to realize them you will amazed how will open your mind to accomplishing your goals. Then when you display your vision where you see it daily you will take to steps to realize your vision. Girls Night, Ladies Conference, Group, Team Building, Personal, and Professional Vision Board Experiences are an Engaging and Excited way to create a vision board.
Vision Board using Articles (In Person or Virtual)

Virtual Vision Board Experience

Womens Network
Founder, Donna Lee Reed
Women Inspiring Sisters Everywhere (WISE) is designed to support, encourage, empower, inspire, and advance women and young ladies in life, business, vision, or ministry to follow their dreams! Let’s Make it Happen!
Get a group of your Lady Friends, Girlfriends, Moms, Sisters, Cousins, or Neighbors, and “Let’s Talk About It” We can have a Game Night, We can talk about Men, Self-care, Girl Stuff, or Following Your Dreams! Call me and let’s do it… It’s Fun, It’s Relaxing, It’s Easy Just call me!
Organizations Founded by Donna Lee Reed

My Passion
Donna Lee Reed is the Founder/ Executive Director of Home4Me, Inc. “A Voice for Teens in Foster Care” while taking the concerns of homelessness for teens aging out of the foster care system, (which happens on their 18th birthday). Ms. Reed is an advocate and has an extremely important and strong voice in the community for teens. She is a motivational – inspirational speaker and author of “Life is a Puzzle, Until You Find the Missing Pieces,” her story of escape from an abusive marriage with 3 babies at the age of 23. Ms. Reed was raised in foster care and has taken her experiences to build a life that has motivated multitudes of women over the years . She is also a Community Leader, Pastor, Author and Life Coach, and founder of WISE (Women Inspiring Sister Everywhere). Her passion is to personally make sure the teens and young adults are prepared for life’s next steps when they age out of the foster care system on their eighteenth birthday and their resources end.